Projects I’ve Built

Featured Project

Kitchen Diary

A website where users can create their recipes and print them on a beautiful A4 paper

  • ReactJS
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Typescript

Featured Project


A Business Website where people get to buy courses with Paystack and know about the company

  • ReactJS
  • Bootstrap

Featured Project

MC Holly

A Site for comedy Reservation

  • NextJS
  • Tailwind CSS

Featured Project


A website for NFTs

  • ReactJS
  • Bootstrap

Featured Project

Pexel Clone

A clone of the pexel application. Users can search for images

  • NuxtJS
  • Tailwind CSS

Featured Project


An Ecommerce Website that mimicks a working ecommerce website

  • VueJS
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Vuex

Featured Project

Unsplash Gallery

A test project to build a gallery

  • VueJS
  • Bootstrap

Featured Project

Untitled UI Dashboard

A test project to build a dashboard

  • NuxtJS
  • Bootstrap

Featured Project

Country Search Challenge

An application to display countries and also search for countries

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

Featured Project

Developer portfolio

A developers portfolio. This is basically a way for the developer to be able to sell himself. It's a lovely combination of everything

  • VueJS
  • Bootstrap

Featured Project


A training company website

  • VueJS
  • Bootstrap

Featured Project

Weather Wiz

A website for getting current weather information

  • VueJS
  • Tailwind
  • Vuex

Featured Project

Nuxt moovie

A website for fetching movies and watching previews

  • NuxtJs
  • Tailwind

Featured Project

Nft Display

A website for Nft display

  • ReactJs
  • Tailwind

Featured Project

Car Showcase

A website for Nft display

  • NextJS
  • Tailwind